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Clinical Psychology And Educational Psychology Essay

Hugh Coolican (2007) defined applied psychology as â€Å"the use of theory and findings in psychology to solve practical problems in important areas of the human environment, including education, health, the workplace, and so on†. The two areas of applied psychology discussed in this essay are clinical psychology and educational psychology, and the associated theories and ethical issues. Both areas use a wide range of theories, with clinical psychology mainly using behavioural and cognitive theories, whilst educational largely focuses on Piaget’s theories of cognitive development, and behaviourism. Both areas have several associated ethical issues, particularly when working with such vulnerable people (e.g. clinical psychologists often work with people with mental disorders, whilst educational psychologists mainly work with children). Clinical psychology Clinical psychology is defined as â€Å"the application of psychological theory to human distress, manifested as psychological problems. Therefore, clinical psychology is a profession primarily concerned with the alleviation of psychological problems† (Coolican, 2007). To become a clinical psychologist, a person would need a British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited undergraduate psychology degree, or voluntary experience with people with mental health disorders or with psychological research. They would also need clinical or research experience, or education to post-graduate level. They would then require an accredited 3-yearShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Gaining A Degree Essay1093 Words   |  5 Pagesfresh or continuing an education plan. Do you currently have a job in a certain field. Once you come to a final answer on what you want you can choose a degree. There are many benefits of gaining a degree in the field of Psychology. 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